Hair Food Compatibility Program
Good health is not only about absence of pain and discomfort. It is much broader than that. Wellness covers many areas like prevention, maintaining or keeping the body free of symptoms, repairing cellular function as much as possible, mental health and fitness.
Obviously, the first step is to relieve pain and discomfort as fast as possible.
“One man’s food is another’s poison”. Foods and household products can interfere with cellular function, which can lead to pain and discomfort. Every person is different so we need to fit therapy to the individual.
Compatibility is about testing over 580 foods and household products to determine if they are compatible with YOUR body’s needs to help improve cellular function, thus helping your body’s NATURAL repair processes.
A simple Compatibility hair analysis test can reveal which foods and household products are compatible or incompatible with your body.
Any test only gives us information. We use that information to start correcting cellular function and commence the natural repair processes.
Other therapies may be needed to help repair damage done through long-term pain and inflammation.
We start your Wellness journey with a simple hair analysis to find out which foods are compatible with your body.
Next we use the compatible foods and household products to prepare your personal and individual Compatibility Wellness Care Plan.
The test is non-invasive, making it perfect for anyone including adults, children and even babies. All that is required is a small sample of hair (coloured hair is fine), and if you don’t have hair then saliva can be used.
The test may be helpful for those experiencing symptoms or conditions such as:
Headaches or migraines
Skin problems eg. itchy skin, rashes, acne, hives, eczema, psoriasis
Hayfever, chronic sinus congestion, wheezing
Bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, IBS, flatulence
Fatigue, sleep disorders, low energy
Lack of concentration, poor memory
Health issues related to inflammation
​Once you order and pay for this test, you will be contacted with instructions on how to take the sample and the address your sample needs to be posted to.
Alternatively you can book a free 20 minute discovery call where we can discuss your individual needs in more detail.
Contact me today to get started on this wellness journey to better health.